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   Welcome Fellow NIGHTWATCHERS! we are a group bent on exploring paranormal phenomenons in a less technacal term we are Paranormal investigators.


   We all bring different techneches and know how to the table and unite for a common cause to unlock the secrets of the unknown.


















night watcher logo

night watcher logo



end off sleepy hallow road

end off sleepy hallow road

saunder spring

saunder spring

cave at saunder springs

cave at saunder springs

Culberson Brothel

Culberson Brothel

witches tree

witches tree

orbs sleepy hallow road

orbs sleepy hallow road

lick ford man bridge

lick ford man bridge

Saunder springs

Saunder springs

sleepy hallow road

sleepy hallow road

witches tree

witches tree

saunder springs

saunder springs

remains of killing tree

remains of killing tree

night watchers

night watchers

entrance to the death tunnel

entrance to the death tunnel

waverly hills

waverly hills

inside waverly potential sighting

inside waverly potential sighting

different side of waverly

different side of waverly

night watchers

night watchers

potential sighting in waverly  hills

potential sighting in waverly hills

dark hall in waverly hills

dark hall in waverly hills





room 502

room 502

night watchers

night watchers

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News Feed

to all nightwatcher fans we are very sorry for the delay in videos. through the past few months we have had alot of harddrive and computer trouble along with family problems but we are back and working very hard to get videos out soon. 

Sorry for no resent Videos

just ordered the updated version of the spirit box sb7 and emf detecter

New equipment ordered

 Wanted to thank Samantha and Caroline from pshradio for the great interview and we cant wait till the next one 

Thanks PSHradio

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              Attention Fellow night watchers I am proud to announce That Nightwatchers3 is now teamed up with fort duffield and are the host to all paranormal Groups who come to investigate Fort Duffield. This is an amazing place that is full of history a little of the paranormal. the picture is a link to there site if you would like more info. If you would like to schedual a paranormal tour or investigation please contact me. we hope to see many come investigate because all proceeds go to restoring the fort to its former glory.

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