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Night Watchers Bio

 Founder: Kyle Johnson 

Co Founder: Zachary J. Fluhr 

      Founder of the Nightwatchers in 2012.fMe and zack go around and search for paranormal happenings. we do research on the places enough to make sure it is a worthy place to hunt at we then will go and hunt and record our findings and videos for you all to see.

             Co founder of nightwatchers. I take a part in just about everything in night watchers when im not dealing with work and school. I have played a part in when and where we hunt, what tools and gadgets we use and get, how we do and create our episodes and ect. I also run this site so if any suggestions just send us a message.

Technacal Producer: Eric Eagle

 The names eric im 27 i work two jobs and im the technacal producer of the night watchers i manage the videos and evps and work thru them to create our epesodes. I also design the logo and the shirts and manage the fb account. 


Advertiser/Medium: Denver Grace 

 I am the Advertiser of the group i work with the websites and control speading the word. and i am also the team own personal medium in training. and #zfgirlfriend

Investigator: Joey Alvey

one of the key investigators that goes on investigations. I am mostly in the feild collecting data, and evidence and im noramaly the one that is used as bate.

Investigator of scientific method: Nick Thomas

I Am a prime investigator to the group because i get down to th fine details of the job in determining if what evidence we capture is real of if it is fake from any enviromental causes or by anything that can be proven with other science.

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